Our Products

Product Name & CodeBenefits & Advantages Packing Size Coverage
JK Cement PlastMaxX Cement Plaster Render PP11✓ General Purpose Use.
✓ Quality Consistency.
✓ Excellent Workability.
✓ Outstanding bonding tendency.
50 kg bag42 m2 @
15mm thickness
Cement Plaster /
Render Light PP22
✓ Best suited for AAc and Light Weight Blocks.
✓ Quality Consistency.
✓ Excellent Workability.
✓ Outstanding landing tendency with optimum mechanical properties.
50 Kg bag45m2 15mm
Rus Coat RS11✓ Superior Adhesion to Concretes.
✓ Quality Consistency.
✓ Excellent Workability.
✓ Leads to a good absorbing substrate.
50 kg bag430 m2 @
2mm thickness
Rush Coat Premium
✓ Superior Adhesion to dense concretes.
✓ Quality Consistency.
✓ Easier Workability.
✓ Leads to a bright and excellent absorbing Substrate.
✓ For surfaces containing micro silica,
GGBS and fly ash.
50 kg bag430 m2 @
2mm thickness
JK Cement TileMaxXGeneral Purpose
Tile Adhesive TA11
✓ High Adhesive Bonding Strength.
✓ Eco Friendly Nature.
✓ Easy ti use, just add Water.
20 Kg bag 4-5 kg/m2
Water Resistant Tile
Adhesive TA22
✓ Superior Bonding Strength.
✓ Water Resistant Nature.
✓ Suitable for Varieties of tiles.
20 Kg bag 4-5 kg/m2
High Performance
Tile Adhesive TA33
✓ Robust Bonding Strength.
✓ Water Resistant Nature.
✓ Suitable for Varieties of Tiles
20 Kg bag 4-5 kg/m2
Supreme Flexible
Tile Adhesive TA44
✓ Excellent Workability with extended Open Time.
✓ Superior Slip Resistance.
✓ Suitable for many variety of Tiles
with overall Best Bonding Performance.
20 Kg bag4-5 kg/m2
Water Resistant Tile
Grout TG
✓ Non shrinkage.
✓ Excellent Water resistance.
✓ Flexible to apply.
✓ Suitable for wet areas.
✓ Easy to Clean.
✓ Avaliable in a wide range of attractive colors.
5 & 20 Kg Bag TGYield 3-5 Liters/% kg bag
JK Cement BlockMaxXConcrete Block
Mortar MM11
✓ Superior Block Building with Premium Performance.
✓ Excellent Workability
✓ Easy to use, just needs to add water.
50 kg bagyield 32- 33 Liters/50 kg Bag
Light Weight Block Mortar MM22✓ Superior Mechanical and Bonding Strength.
✓ Polymer Modified for Strong Adhesion Efficiency.
✓ Outstanding Application Tendency
50 kg bagyield 34- 36 Liters/50 kg Bag
JK Cement FloorMaxXFloor Screed FS11✓ Develops sturdier adhesion strength with subtract.
✓ Imparts high compressive and flexural strength.
✓ Excellent abrasion resistance to rolling wheel and heavy machinery movements.
✓ Suitable for factories, hotels, resorts, schools, playgrounds and multistory buildings.
50 kg bagyield 23- 29 Liters/25 kg bag
Floor Screed FS22✓ Rapid Drying and time saving.
✓ Imparts high compressive strength
and flexural strength within 24 hours.
✓ Develops sturdier adhesion strength with substrate.
✓ Foot walkable within 24 hours. Excellent abrasion resistance to rolling wheel and heavy machinery movements.
✓ Suitable for washroom, kitchens,
shower rooms, terraces, factories floors, hotels, resorts, schools, playgrounds and multistory buildings,
50 kg bagyield 23- 29 Liters/25 kg bag
JK Cement WallMaxXGeneral Purpose Wall Putty WP11✓ Easy to use, just add water.
✓ Good Workability.
✓ Superior Whiteness to use, just add water.
✓ Good Workability.
✓ Superior Whiteness.
25 kg bag35m2/25 kg Bag
Water Resistant
Wall Putty WP33
✓ Very Smooth finish.
✓ Excellent Water Resistance.
✓ Superior Adhesion onto the Substrates.
20 & 25 kg bag35m2/25 kg Bag
Crack Filler WP66✓ Very Efficient in Crack Filling.
✓ Superior Bonding Strength.
✓ Excellent Water Resistance.
25 kg bag35m2/25 kg Bag
Finish Coat WP88✓ Robust Bonding Strength and Highter durability.
✓ Very Smooth and White Color Finish.
✓ Excellent Water Resistance.
25 kg bag35m2/25 kg Bag